
Shu Mackay

Member since June 25 2012

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112 questions

271 answers




qsponge ruler

Is flu contagious?

  tracked 12 years ago

What kind of operation is a Mastectomy?

Mastectomy is a medical term and is an operation to remove one or both breasts. It can be a surgeical treatment for breast cancer or used to prevent breast cancer. Actress Angelina Jolie had double mastectomy in May 2013 to prevent breast cancer as she... (read more)

  answered 12 years ago

When do babies start teething? Could it be possible that my 12 week old has started already?

Babies usually start teething from 4 month old, but can be lot earlier or lot later. Some babies are born with teeth. Look for the sign of teething: lots of dribbling, furious chewing and biting down on anything put near his mouth, awful rash, lots dirty... (read more)

  answered 12 years ago

My baby is due soon and I am thinking about breast feeding. Can anyone give me any advice?

From my own experience all I will say is knowledge, knowledge, knowledge. "The food of love" by... (read more)

  answered 12 years ago

How can I tell if a person likes me? So I eat at this diner like everyday with a bunch of friends and I can't help but notice this chick keeps making eye contact with me. She doesn't smile at me or anything, but when I catch her looking she looks away. Vice versa. I just don't know what to do, she's very hot by the way.

If I were you I would wave at her next time if she looks at you. If she waves back at you, then the chance is she is interested in you. Then why not ask her for a diner? If you are too shy to do that, you can ask the waitress to deliver a note for you.... (read more)

  answered 12 years ago

Can you find truffles in the UK?

Truffles are an edible fungus which grows underground around the roots of trees such as oak, birch and beach. (read more)

  answered 12 years ago

What are some nice gifts for new mums?

  tracked 12 years ago

Who is going to direct the Justice League of America film?

The 2015 film featuring fictional super hero team - Justice League of America starts to film in 2013 and is expected to release in the summer of 2015. Jon Peters is the producer of JLA. There is not much detail available yet. (read more)

  answered 12 years ago

What's the foulest smelling food?

Durian, also known as king of fruits in Asia, is considered as the foulest smelling food in the world. Some may like it, but some think durian smell likes rotton onions. There are some scientific research trying to identify the substances behind the foul... (read more)

  answered 12 years ago

When was LOL first used?

  tracked 12 years ago

Who was the first to use the acronym "OMG"?

The term O.M.G actually is very old and is not created by Paris Hilton or some teenage girl. The first use of O.M.G can be dated back to 1917. It was found in a letter written by John Arbuthnot Fisher to Winston Churchill before him became British Prime... (read more)

  answered 12 years ago

Who created The X Factor program? When was the first edition of The X Factor?

The music competition TV program - The X Factor was created by Simon Cowel. The first show was aired in September 2004. Since then, the show has been aired annually and gained lots populality. It is also responsible for the launch and dicovery of successful... (read more)

  answered 12 years ago

How much money is Facebook offering for WhatsApp?

Yes, the world's biggest social networking site is in talk with the popular mobile messaging app - whatsapp, but there is no clear terms or price yet. With more than 5 billion people are using mobile phone in the world, a popular paid and ads free mobile... (read more)

  answered 12 years ago

How can I follow Pope Benedict's in Twitter?

The Pope's twitter account is @pontifex. The leader of 1.2billion Roman Catholics is hoping to communicate with his people better via the new technology although he wont do the tweet himself rather than sign off the tweets. Follow the Pope but dont except... (read more)

  answered 12 years ago