
My baby is due soon and I am thinking about breast feeding. Can anyone give me any advice?

Answers (1)

by Shu Mackay 12 years ago

From my own experience all I will say is knowledge, knowledge, knowledge. "The food of love" by Kate Evans is a brilliant book for breast feeding mums.

Limit visitors in the first few weeks if you are not going to be comfortable feeding in front of them. You and baby feeding comes first, visitors can wait a week or so. Also try to get support from your midwives or health visitors and make sure your baby is latch properly.

Your nipples may get sore before the feeding is established. Lanosil cream is very effective to soothe the pain. It is expensive but in my opinion it was well worth the money.

It can be really hard work getting up at night, often every 2 hours to breast feed. Although with breastfeeding, you do not need bottle warming or sterlizing, its easy for your other half to pass the baby to you and say 'I think s/he needs feeding...' Argh! At least with bottles he can help. Expressing is good but finding time & energy to do that can be difficult.

In simple words, breastfeeding is not easy. Try it, persevere through those first few really tough weeks, but if its not for you, don't feel bad about moving onto formula.

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