
What does 'are you an owl or a lark' mean?

Answers (1)

by Lucy 11 years ago

This question refers to your body clock and especially to whether you are a morning or evening person. Owls, of course, mainly only come out at night, while larks are among the earliest birds to start singing in the morning. In the same way, some people naturally wake up as soon as it's light and feel full of energy - the same people often start to get sleepy around 9pm and prefer to stay at home at night. Others hate getting up in the morning and try to avoid any difficult work or being too active before midday - the same people are often at their most productive and creative late in the day, love going out in the evening and will stay up well into the small hours. Most of us are somewhere in the middle, but if you want to find out what type you are, you can take this test.

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