
How do I maintain a washing machine?

Answers (1)

by Qcrew 14 years ago

Washing machines are very common household goods nowadays with new models developed every year. How often do you replace your washing machine, every 5 years or even longer?

Like anything else, if you maintain your washing properly, it will be in good service for many years to come.

Always leave the washing machine door open when its not in use, especially after a washing cycle. This allows water to evaporate and get rid of the moisture to avoid stagnate or breed bacteria.

If you find your washing machine extremely smelly, you can run the machine empty on a high temperature (above 600C) with 1 tbsp detergent to see if can get rid of the smell.

If the smell still remains, you need to check if the washing machine is plumbed into the same place as as the sink. If that's the case, waste water from the sink can run into the washing machine's lump, which can cause smell. You need to get a qualified plumber to connect washing machine to a separate waste pipe and make sure they install a trap to avoid foul odours from the drain come up the piep into the washing machine.

If its not a plumbing problem, a little regular maintenance should be able to sort out any problem.

  • Wipe the rubber door seal once a week (you can add some weak solution of bleach)
  • Make sure the powder dispenser is clean. Clean the dispenser drawer once a week. You can either clean it by hand or put it in the dishwasher with a low-temperature programme.
  • Remove and clean the filter once a week. The filter is normally located behind a little door at the bottom of the washing machine. Before removing the filter, put a shallow bowl nearby as it will discharge some water. Rinse the filter under running tap to get rid of the limescale and fluff. Put the filter back, and close it tightly to avoid leak.

To discale a washing machine, you can put a cup of vinegar in the detergent dispenser, and run the washing machine empty through a full cycle with hot temperature (at least above 600C). You can repeat this once a month to avoid the accumulation of the limescale.

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