
How do you say 'Go straight' in Chinese?

Answers (1)

by Qcrew 13 years ago

Its very convenient if you know how to say phrases like 'go straight', 'turn left' or 'turn right' in Chinese, in case you are asked direction in China or you have to get direction from someone else.

If you want to say 'go straight', you can say '一直往前走' - yī zhí wǎng qián zǒu
一直往前 (yī zhí wǎng qián) means go straight, 走 (zǒu) means walk. Often, you can just say 一直往前 (yī zhí wǎng qián) instead of '一直往前走' (yī zhí wǎng qián zǒu)

If you want to say 'turn right', you can say 向右拐 - xiàng yòu guǎi
右 (yòu) means right, 向...拐 (xiàng... guǎi) means turn

左 (zuǒ) means left, so turn left is 向左拐 -- xiàng zuǒ guǎi

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