
How do you get tickets for Wimbledon?

Answers (1)

by Qcrew 13 years ago

There are three ways to get wimbledon tickets: one is purchasing them through public ballot, the second way is buying them on the day, the third way is buying them online on the day before play.

For public ballot, you need to send a letter to request ballot application forms first. Once you get the application form, you need to fill the necessary details and post them back before the deadline, which is usually the last day of the year before the game. If you are selected, you will get a notification around February the following year. This method seems complicated, but its easy when you actually follow it. And you have more chances to get tickets in this way.

If you want to buy the tickets on the day, you need to prepare for a long queue and possible disappointment. For how to queue and where to queue, check -

If you want to purchase the tickets online, its better to sign up wimbledon newsletter so you can get latest updates including the ticket purchasing details .

For more, check Wimbledon's official site -

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